Amid the intense debate over Goods and Sales Tax (GST) bill in lower house Lok Sabha, protests from Andhra Pradesh MPs popped up on special status. Soon before the demand sidelined discussion on GST, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley was quick enough to answer on it.
Jaitley sings the same old song on special status, ‘Union government concurs to the fact that Andhra Pradesh is left out with deficit budget, following the state division.’ He also pointed out that special status issue would be addressed very soon, as the discussions with state government are currently underway.
Prior to FM’s speech in Lok Sabha, Telugu Desham parliament members K Rammohan Naidu and Ravindra Babu demanded the special status for Andhra Pradesh state. Taking a swipe at centre, YSRCP MP Mekapati Rammohan Reddy said that nothing can pacify the wrath of people other than ‘special status to AP’.