The Regional Censor Board in Hyderabad had watched a Special Screening of Sunil’s Jakkanna the other day and rated the movie with ‘U/A’ certificate. With this certification, the movie is all set for a grand release on 29th of this month. The movie has got good release across both the Telugu States.
Jakanna is the story of a man (Sunil here) who stuns every one with some big work and silence those who criticize him as good for nothing man. A new comer Vamsi Krishna Akella is wielding megaphone for this film. R.Sudharshan Reddy who produced Prema Katha Chitram is also producing this film on his RCA Creations Banner.
Bollywood girl Mannara Chopra, cousin of Priyanka Chopra is romancing Sunil in this movie. The movie is said to be an energetic mass entertainer. The promotions of the film are in full swing. Sunil had pinned high hopes on this film success after churning out back to back flop films.