Though Tollywood has received flak of coming up with escapist cinema and routine formula entertainers, there were also films which were ahead of their times and became cult classics eventually. One such film was ‘Jambalakidi Pamba’ which came in the year 1993 under the direction of late EVV Satyanarayana. The story revolves around how women become like men and vice versa.
Now, one Bollywood film is preparing to arrive and those who saw the recently launched trailer say this reminds them of ‘Jambalakidi Pamba’ only.
We are talking about the Bollywood flick ‘Ki And Ka’ featuring the hot begum Kareena Kapoor and Arjun Kapoor. The story revolves around a house husband who takes care of the home while his wife is a career oriented woman that runs the house and family.
This is quite similar to the plot of ‘Jambalakidi Pamba’ so maybe the Telugu audience may not find anything new or interesting when the Bollywood flick releases here.