Jammu and Kashmir chief minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed passed away on Thursday. He breathed his last in the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in New Delhi. He was 79.
Diagnosed with sepsis, decreased blood count and pneumonia, Sayeed was admitted to AIIMS on December 24, with complaints of neck pain and fever. He had remained in the intensive care unit of AIIMS since then. Mufti Mohammad Sayeed took over as chief minister of the PDP-BJP coalition on March 1 in 2015.
Mohammad Sayeed’s daughter Mufti Mehbooba is considered as successor to him. She is now the president of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP). In fact, Mufti Mohammad had on November 13 hinted that Mehbooba Mufti could become the next chief minister as she was better connected with the people and deserves to be chief minister.