Legendary actress Jamuna’s comments on Rajamouli’s ‘Baahubali’ have not only come as a huge shocker to the ‘Baahubali’s makers and its fans, but also it was debated. The question that arises initially is that what forced Jamuna to make such an aggressive comment on ‘Baahubali’.
To know the answer we must scrutinize the movies, their genres and screen play which got released in golden era of Tollywood. Jamuna is not that ordinary actress, who had acted just a couple of films and disappeared. She worked for many great films which also included great fantasies like ‘Gulebakavali Katha’.
Generation gap should not be considered in the case of ‘Baahubali’ as the movie’s genre doesn’t deal with contemporary issues. Jamuna might have compared ‘Baahubali’ with the folklore films enacted by her during that generation and so she found fault with the abrupt story, no proper melodrama and emotions between any two characters and so on.
And yes, ‘Baahubali’ was not criticized by any media during the time of its release. It was showcased like an 8th wonder by the media. Although the movie carried mixed talk on the day one, media has done a great trick and so is the current status of the movie. Some media barons and their hidden agendas were also involved in the international level marketing of the movie. As the days are passing by team ‘Baahubali’ is getting shockers at times such as rejection of ‘Baahubali’ for Oscar’s Entry, rejection for film festivals and eminent personalities comments etc. However, Rajamouli, as a man of intellect, will definitely receive comments on ‘Baahubali’ sportive and tries to make a flawless ‘Baahubali 2’.