For the first time after election results, Jana Sena chief Pawan Kalyan will be arriving in Amaravati. At around 9:30 AM, Pawan will land in Gannavaram airport and will straight away go to his residence in Patamatalanka. Then Pawan will relax for some time.
At 2 PM, Pawan will hold a meeting with West Godavari and Krishna district Jana Sena leaders at Party office in Mangalagiri. Pawan has directed all the important leaders to attend this meeting as the Jana Sena chief wants to analyse the results of assembly and Lok Sabha polls. He will also discuss about the upcoming Panchayatraj elections in the state.
Jana Sena Party faced a huge debacle in the elections. The party managed to win just a single seat while Pawan who contested two places, lost to YSR congress party candidates.