YSRCP leader Kodali Nani said Nadamuri Janakri Ram, son of former TDP MP Hari Krishna, who passed away in a tragic road accident aspired to become top entreneur in the country. He added while entire Nandamuri family got attracted towards film industry or politics, he dared to be different by entering into business.
Kodali Nani went to Harikrishna’s house at Masab Tank to console the bereaved family. Later speaking to media he remembered his association with Janakiram. He with a tinge of sadness remembered that Janakiram never boasted his influence or wealth and always used to be a simpleton.
He added he never used his family name or stature but attained success working in US for ten years and with that earnings planned for a Covalent plant in Kakinada. He said he was shocked at the sudden demise when the plant was about to start in a month’s time in Kakinada. He rued that Janakiram would have been top businessman in the Country had he been for some more years.