AP CM YS Jagan appeared before the CBI Court in Hyderabad on Friday in connection with the disproportionate assets case. For nearly two hours, Jagan was in the court and concluding the arguments and hearings in this case, the court postponed to January 17th.
Earlier Jagan has filed a petition for his personal presence exemption into this case. But the CBI court squashed Jagan’s petition and claimed that his current political status has no connection with the case and so he must appear before the court. With no other option, Jagan reached Hyderabad and this is for the first time, he came before the court in CM status. Jagan also became the first CM of AP, to attend a court being in a higher constitutional position.
Jana Sena supporters and Pawan Kalyan fans are trolling Jagan on this. Since Friday morning, they are commenting on social media that AP CM is in court while Pawan is beside the farmers protesting for the capital, Amaravati.
This is not the first time that Jana Sena cadre and PK fans mocking Jagan and YSRCP. In fact they don’t leave when such opportunity knocks their way.