Power Star Pawan Kalyan has recently announced that he will be contesting 2019 elections. With immense following in youth as well as the decisive Kapu caste, many hope that unlike Praja Rajyam, Janasena in residuary AP can become a formidable force in the elections.
Janasena’s foray as a fully fledged entity into the political sphere may actually undermine YSR Congress, according to few than a threat to TDP. The main reason being TDP has a strong cadre, grass roots organization and a master strategist like Chandrababu at the helm.
But YSR Congress has been on a gradual decline since 2014 elections and in the last two years, it was barely able to create an impression among the people as a credible opposition. It was only a sentimental replacement for Congress but has no organizational structure like Congress also, though it has become weak now.
If Janasena is really serious, then people may consider this as a formidable force and start moving away from YSR Congress. This being a possible scenario, Jagan may be having no other option but to seek an alliance partner or a desperate face saving merger back with Congress party!