Even since the Election Commission of India has given Jana Sena Party (JSP) the Glass Tumbler symbol, social media has gone nuts with several memes and jokes about it. That aside, Jana Sena Party’s symbol could become a powerful symbol that could with the “Comman Man”. Many people believe that the glass tumbler could be as powerful as TDP’s ‘cycle’ symbol and YSRCP’s ‘fan’ symbol and will definitely resonate with voters.
The glass tumbler, which is a common sight across the country, is a symbol of having its presence everywhere from the streets to the railway and bus stations to the dhabas and now, in cafes – cutting across classes. Several supporters of Jana Sena believe that the election symbol could mean transparency and honesty and a glass that’s half-full. “The Glass represents that our party stands for transparency in politics and political accountability,” tweeted a few supporters.
The glass tumbler is also something that is generally the sought-after utensil for drinking tea, which is again a symbol of the common man. Like Modi’s “Chaiwalla” image has worked in his favour and won him a massive mandate by connecting him directly to the people of the country, the glass tumbler could resonate similarly with the common man for Jana Sena. May be, it will be symbol of hope for the fledgling party in Andhra Pradesh!