Late Sridevi’s daughter Janhvi Kapoor who made her debut with ‘Dhadak’acted in Netflix horror anthology ‘Ghost Stories’ which got a lot of negative feedback. Now, she acted in the ‘biographical drama of real-life Kargil girl’, ‘Gunjan Saxena’. She played the title role and this film was supposed to have a theatre release but ended up releasing in OTT platform.
The movie showcased the struggle of the first woman fighter pilot in a decent manner and the director was well supported by a talented cast. But what went wrong with the film was the choice of film’s main lead. Janhvi Kapoor looked cute but this role demanded a lot from her and she wasn’t ready for it. The film is all about the main character and Janhvi failed to add depth to it.
Her performance is getting some backlash as a section of the audience are branding her as a mere product of nepotism while others are supporting Janhvi saying that she needs more time to fine-tune her skills. Hope she improves in the coming days and shuts down the criticism.