Ram Charan, who celebrated his 34th birthday on March 27, took to social media yesterday to thank his fans and followers in Japan for showering their unconditional love and admiration. Charan shared a few greeting cards that he received all the way from Japan and it had the actor’s Wolverine’s anime avatar and Magadheera’s Kaalahairava pictures.
He captioned the image with ‘Just received a sweet surprise from Japan. Really feel loved and humbled by your sweet gesture and effort that went into it. Love to my fans from Japan. See you soon! #ThankYouJapan’. The same image has been shared by his wife Upasana too and captioned ‘Mr C and I are humbled by your love. Your artwork is so innovation’. Charan also said to have received many other presents and goodies apart from cards.
His Japanese fans commented on his post by thanking him over sharing their gifts received. They also wrote belated wishes and requested to entertainment them more and more. After Rajinikanth and Prabhas, Ram Charan has now become the favourite to Japan cinephiles. It brings immense pride to see Indian actor receiving so much love from all over the world.