The AIADMK general secretary and Chief Minister Jayalalitha on Friday has asked party men to take the government’s welfare schemes and achievements to every doorstep in the State by reminding people of the unholy alliance between the DMK and the Congress party.
At the Tirunelveli public rally, Ms. Jayalalitha has told party men that the May 16 elections would be the harbinger of the State’s political future about the unholy alliance that has killed Lakhs of Tamils in Sri Lanka had split then but has come together now posing as Siamese twins.
Jayalalitha has said that voters should also be reminded that if the poison tree of family politics strengthens itself, it would be dangerous for individual freedom and how a single family controlled media houses, the film industry, cricket rights and almost all industrial ventures till 2011.
The AIADMK had implemented various schemes including freebies like 20 kg rice for ration-card holders, mixers, grinders, and milch cows and goats and her achievements includes creation of 1.5 crore new job opportunities and setting up of the highest number of small and micro industries in the country.