Satyajit Ray once said that she is the most beautiful lady in Indian films. She is our very own Jayaprada, the senior actress turned politician. After losing her MP post in the 2014 general elections, Jayaprada bid goodbye to politics temporarily and returned to films. The actress is currently producing the Tamil remake of Telugu romantic blockbuster Ishq, with her sister’s son Siddharth and glamour queen Hansika.
Titled Uyire Uyire, the film is being ready for its release and to promote the film better, Jayaprada turned singer and recorded a song in her own voice. Anup Rubens, who composed chartbusting songs for Ishq, is the music composer for the Tamil remake as well. The audio launch took place in a grand manner last night in Chennai, in which Bollywood star Anil Kapoor was the chief guest.
Jayaprada earlier launched Siddharth in Tollywood through a youthful film that sank without a trace several years ago. The gorgeous diva now has the support of her close friend and Samajwadi Party leader Amar Singh, who is said to be investing heavily in Uyire Uyire. Jayaprada is also said to have huge plans to promote the film big until Siddharth finds his ground in southern film circuit.