No one can deny the proximity Jayasudha enjoyed with late CM YS.Rajasekhar Reddy. Due to his encouragement she entered politics and even became minister. So when Jagan floated his own party, many thought that she will jump into that. However it did not happen.
However now it seems Jayasudha chose the right moment to strike at Cong as she put down her papers peeved at the manner in which her candidates for MLC posts are ignored and former mayor Banda Kartika Reddy’s people preferred.
The rivalry between Jayasudha and Kartika Reddy for supremacy in Secunderabad Constituency is well known and it is now denting the image of Cong. Cong after two decades bagged Secunderabad in 2009 when Jayasudha won.
Now that she is ignored many feel that Jayasudha will be joining Jagan’s party.