With just a day remaining before the MAA polling, looks like the Jayasudha’s panel is striking all the right chords. Today, Jayasudha and key contestants in her panel met none other than Superstar Krishna and sought his support. Always known to be apolitical, Krishna assured a smooth functioning of the MAA polls and the consequent tenure.
Incidentally, Naresh, senior actor and son of Vijaya Nirmala, is contesting for the Joint Secretary position in the Movie Artistes’ Association. With the City Civil Court’s fresh orders to continue the election process, the Jayasudha panel seems to be in revelry and appear confident of its victory.
With the constant allegations on each other by both the panels, the MAA elections appear no different than the general elections and things are only getting murkier as the polling date (29th March) is fast approaching. Let us hope that all this show of strength will definitely shape into the welfare of the poor and needy actors in the film industry.