The statements of BJP leader Raghuram on ex-CBI JD Lakshmi Narayana slapping IAS officer Sri Lakshmi during CBI probe have created a huge storm among the political circles. The BJP leader defended his statements and added that it was Sri Lakshmi’s colleague who had informed him.
The media channels tried to reach Lakshmi Narayana for his reaction on these allegations. But former CBI officer who is in Anakapalle refused to comment and added that people who have made such accusations should come out with proper evidence. “I would like not to comment on this as I have no time for speculations,” is what Lakshmi Narayana’s initial reaction.
Not just in this slapping controversy, JD Lakshmi Narayana always refused to comment on rumored reports so as to avoid the unnecessary issue.
Nonetheless, this latest episode is not going to end so easily as many political observers were shocked opening hear this. Will Raghuram come up with proper any evidence that may give strength to his statements? The next few developments in this controversy are going to be interesting.