Gautham Thinnanuri is a talented director who made waves in Tollywood just with two films. While ‘Malli Raava’ got a lot of critical acclaim, it is ‘Jersey’ which showed his potential to everyone. This film starring Nani has a special place in everyone’s heart. The emotions in the movie and the master storytelling made it a modern-day classic. He remade it in Hindi as well and was supposed to make a film with Ram Charan which failed to materialize.
He has readied a powerful police story for Vijay Deverakonda and the project was launched in a grand manner as well. Sreeleela was the heroine in this project titled #VD12. But the actress stepped out of the movie citing her busy schedule as the reason while Vijay Deverakonda is currently spending more time on ‘Family Star’ which started off as ‘VD13’. Since Parasuram’s film is aiming for a Sankranti release, the actor is allotting more dates for it and he is keen on wrapping it on time.
With this change of plans, reports suggest that Gautham Thinnanuri is now planning to make a small film with a fresh cast under Sithara Entertainments banner. Anirudh is expected to give music for this film. Sources say that the director is planning to complete the film in a short span and get ready by the time VD finishes his work on ‘Family Star’. As we know, music sensation Anirudh Ravichander will be working on #VD12 as well and we need to wait and see what happens in the coming days.