India’s richest businessman, Mukesh Ambani, who has already disrupted the Indian telecom sector by launching Reliance Jio, is reportedly gearing up to create even bigger flutter with his next launch, a 4G VoLTE phone priced at just Rs 500. Reliance Jio is likely to launch this cheapest 4G featured phone during RIL’s annual general meeting on July 21 this year.
With the launch of Jio services in September 2016, which offered a flurry of free voice and data plans, Ambani forced the market leading Telecom service providers to either crumble or unite to stay alive. Now, with the launch of 4G phone for just Rs 500, he may make the life of telephone manufacturers very difficult. Currently, Jio offers smartphones under its Lyf brand, which are priced as low as Rs 3,000.
Besides the 4G phone, rumors are rife that Reliance Jio may soon launch a 4G-capable laptop with dedicated 4G SIM slot. As of April 2017, Jio reportedly has 112.55 million subscribers, and this new player is expected to continue on its customer acquisition spree with many more aggressive tariff plans and the launch of cheaper products for tech savvy new generation.