Rumor mills have earlier quoted Jr NTR that he is not happy with the inclusion of Bengali bombshell Madhurima Banerjee as second heroine in this movie. It was said that Junior is upset as Madhurima is not a big league heroine and sizzled in short roles in super flops like ‘Orange’ and ‘Shadow’. Later on, script issues too popped up after ‘Rabhasa’ failure leading Puri Jagan to wait for NTR’s call after weeks whether to resume shooting or not.
Apparently the issue between NTR and Puri Jagan regarding stalling the shoot of their ongoing flick for a while is said to be this ‘monopoly’ casting from Jagan. But shooting got resumed now from 26th Sept and Madhurima is still part of the flick. She might join the leading crew by next week. Madhurima plays a crucial role in the movie that comes in flashback mode, and spins the whole film into a new level altogether. Is Jr NTR okay with this flop heroine now or whatever we heard in the past are just rumors?