By now, everyone knows that former Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister NT Rama Rao’s youngest daughter K. Uma Maheswari passed away on Monday. The last rites were performed in Hyderabad on Wednesday. However, Jr NTR couldn’t attend the funeral as he was on vacation with his wife and children.
The RRR actor today visited late Uma Maheswari’s residence in Hyderabad. NTR was accompanied by his mother Shalini and wife Lakshmi Pranathi, along with brother Kalyan Ram.
As per reports, Uma Maheswari was found hanged in her bedroom at her residence in Jubilee Hills. She was 57. The family members haven’t found any suicide note on her. She is survived by a husband and two daughters.
Former CM N Chandrababu Naidu, his son Lokesh, Nandamuri Balakrishna, Ramakrishna, Kalyan Ram and other relatives attended the funeral and paid their last respects.