Earlier when Gunasekhar complained that Jr NTR asked him to work the script in favour of ‘Gona Ganna Reddy’ such that the history of Rudhrama will be commercially viable, everyone felt like how come Junior wanted history in his favour.
If we reckon now after looking at Rudhramadevi in theatres, it sounds like Junior NTR’s idea would have worked well.
While the total film is etched to project the greatness of Rudhrama, suddenly Gona Ganna Reddy performed by Allu Arjun walked away with all honours. With Bunny’s dialogues sounding more engaged, he drew whistles and claps from audiences. All said and done, even his character neither had a proper establishment, nor any fine projection in terms of script and screenplay.
If Gunasekhar has reworked on Jr NTR’s suggestion, then that film would have become a proper commercial film, though it deviates away from Rudramadevi’s history. That said, even Gunasekhar highlighted the character of Gona in a mainstream Rudrama’s movie, thereby indirectly depending on him.