From last one year, Young Tiger NTR is quite workaholic with no-break film shoots. After wrapping up Baadshah he moved to Ramayya Vastavayya, and now he is doing Rabhasa. From November he is starting Koratala Siva’s movie. So, when is Junior actually taking a break to spend time with his family?
Once wrapping up a movie, director Rajamouli takes a big break along with his family members. He generally plans a foreign tour for a month to relax. In the same way, Mahesh Babu too flies abroad after he is done with a movie shoot. Love birds like Charan-Upasna, Bunny-Sneha are known for their romantic holidays whenever our heroes get a break time between schedules and movie releases. But why Jr NTR is never heard going abroad or to some picnic spot along with his wife Lakshmi Pranathi. This is the question about Junior’s personal life that is shaking many minds.
Actually Jr NTR is not reachable to fans on social sites like Facebook and Twitter, and maybe that is the reason one knows no updates about his trips. Otherwise, insiders say that Junior always takes quick breaks between schedules and spends quality time with his mother and wife. Also, there is no need that he should publicize his personal life.