Australian-Indian multitalented artist Chandrika Ravi has her hands full working on a biopic about Silk Smitha, aptly named “Silk Smitha: The Untold Story.” This upcoming film is set to be directed by Jayaram Sankaran, known for his recent involvement in the creation of the Tamil series “Sweet Kaaram Coffee,” consisting of eight episodes available on Prime Video.
Recently, Chandrika Ravi’s Instagram posts have been catching attention, specifically pictures where she’s sporting a black V-neck t-shirt paired with a black skirt. In these images, she’s seen with free-flowing hair, wearing earbuds, and donning oil-based makeup.
The images depict Chandrika in a relaxed yet stylish demeanor, with her hair let loose, giving a casual vibe. The choice of earbuds adds a modern touch, hinting at her possibly enjoying some music or entertainment during her time captured in the photos. Additionally, the oil-based makeup might contribute to a distinct glossy or radiant appearance, enhancing her overall look in these snapshots.
The attention garnered by these pictures on her Instagram suggests a growing interest in her style and presence, possibly indicating her popularity among followers and fans. This glimpse into her off-screen moments showcases her fashion choices and relaxed persona, providing a glimpse into her personal life alongside her professional endeavors, especially as she immerses herself in the upcoming Silk Smitha biopic project.