The much talked about multi star film in combination of junior ntr, Nagarjuna in the direction of Vamsy Paidipally has got a sudden twist in the tale with Tarak opting to go out. In the same reporting, Prasad Vara Potluri of PVP Cinema signed Tamil hero Karthi as a replacement to NTR in this high budget project.
While some say that, firstly NTR liked his characterization has formally agreed before Vamsy on doing the film but later on modifications in script forced him to drop out. Another section of film circles are saying that, it is from the business point of view PVP has expelled NTR and called in Karthi. Yes, this multi star film will be made as a bi-lingual in both Telugu, Tamil languages with high action coefficient.
NTR isn’t a big crowd puller in Tamil and Karthi can do higher business. So, this can be considered as a pure business technique. However, there is always an option of doing the Telugu version with NTR and Tamil with Kathi while Nag will be the common man in both.