Jr. NTR, who is currently shooting for ‘Ramayya Vastavayya’ will be soon joining the sets of his next film with ‘Kandireega’ director. The shooting of this film will commence from this month ending and Tarak will be simultaneously shooting for both the films. Harish Shankar is handling ‘Ramayya Vastvayya’ which will be hitting theatres on August 9th while the other film will be releasing for Sankranthi next year. ‘Rabasa’ title is floating in filmnagar but the makers are yet to finalize it.
Samantha is pairing up with Tarak after ‘Brindhavanam’. Santosh Srinivas will be directing the film and Bellamkonda Suresh is producing the film on ‘Sri Laxmi Narasimha Productions’ banner.