AP CM YS Jagan is continuing his rant on Telugu Desam in the Assembly. Yesterday Jagan made body-shaming comments on Atcchannaidu and today he threatened the whole TD legislative party.
On Friday the debate on interest free loans came to discussion. Jagan listed out all the loans cleared and in pending during TDP’s tenure. Then he blamed Chandrababu for keeping the crop loans in pending. However, TDP MLAs did not agree with Jagan’s statement and they raised their voice and stood in their place.
Fumed by this Jagan said if you 23 MLAs interrupt like this, then my party 150 MLAs will stand and you (TDP) guys will be not seen in the assembly from the next moment. Continuing Jagan said none of TDP MLAs have sense and know about the assembly rules.
TDP MLAs staged a small protest against Jagan’s comments and they issued ‘Rights of the House’ notice on Jagan.