Superstar Rajnikanth has decided to come up with ‘Kaala’ this summer with his “2 Point O” still struggling in the ward to deliver the right output. On April 27th, this new film directed by Pa Ranjith will hit cinemas across the globe. But for now, the Telugu release sounds doubtful.
Generally, if it is a Rajnikanth’s film, our distributors and producers run all the way to Chennai to buy the Telugu theatrical rights. And when they did in similar fashion for movies like Kabali by shelling out nearly 30 crores, ‘loss’ is a small word to describe their plight after the release. And now, Kaala makers, producer Danush is said to be quoting somewhere between 30-35 crores for the movie. That’s a number shaking up even some big production houses here.
Though the likes of UV Creations and Dil Raju have shown interest to acquire the rights to this film, we hear that they backed out due to the illogical demand being made by Danush. While many thought that they will take a call after watching the teaser, last night the teaser stunned them by being another Kabaali like treat. Earlier also, other than those stylish shots shown in the teaser, there is nothing much inside the movie. That’s worrying Telugu distributors even now.
In case if no one comes forward to release the movie, Danush is likely to tie up with some of his good friends for a direct release. That will be a good move in fact. In case if there is a loss, no one will blame him and if there are profits, he will enjoy all the fruits.