Superstar Rajinikanth’s upcoming film ‘Kabali’s producer Kalaipuli S Thanu has assured that the movie will break the numerous records set by Salman Khan’s latest release ‘Sultan’.Release for the Eid this year, ‘Sultan’, has set records for fastest to reach Rs 100 Cr and Rs 200 Cr gross at the box office. The film is still solid and is expected to emerge the biggest earner beating Aamir Khan’s ‘PK.’
Thanu said that while ‘Sultab’ was released in 6000 screens, ‘Kabali’ is being released across the world in as many as 12000 screens. Compared to the ticket prices in Mumbai, ticket prices in the south are very less, but he still is confident of beating Sultan. He added that Kabali would collect 200 Cr in just three days.
Irrespective of it was confidence or overconfidence, Kabali for sure is expected to take an earth shattering opening and if the content is good, the sky is the limit for its box office prospects.