Superstar Rajinikanth’s Kabali is the most hyped film of the season. The expectations are soaring day by day. However buzz emerging from Filmnagar suggests that the movie is copied from the central theme of Rajamouli’s blockbuster film, Chatrapathi. In Chatrapathi, Hero and gang work for the villain gang in a village with out any wages.
One day, hero revolts over the villain gang and finally emerge as leader for the village. And in the case of Kabali, the baddies gang takes some people from India to Malaysia and make them like slaves. Kabaleeshwar (Rajinikanth) is one of them. He emerges as leader, bringing the villain gang down and later rule Malaysia.
However Kollywood sources say that Rajinikanth’s style and treatment will make the difference. Kabali is already creating waves in Telugu and Tamil industries. Audience and trade are eagerly waiting for the release of the film in July. Rajinikanth will be seen in the role of an aging gangster in the movie.