The Regional Censor Board in Chennai had completed the censor formalities of Superstar Rajinikanth’s Kabali a little while ago. The movie was awarded U certificate with no cuts. We are also said that Kabali is releasing on 22nd of this month and the makers will let out release date adverts on all Wednesday papers. The movie run time is 2 hours 32 minutes
The announcement will bring a lot of cheer from the makers in Tollywood and Kollywood. Due to the release date confusion, other films are struggling to plan their releases. Rajinikanth is in a US tour, missed all the movie promotions till date, he is likely to participate in the post release promotions.
Fox Star India bagged the Hindi version rights of Superstar Rajinikanth’s Kabali. Fox Star will also distribute the Telugu and Tamil versions of the film in Rest of India through its network of theaters in the North. Rajinikanth will be seen in the role of an aging gangster in the movie. Ranjith Pa is wielding megaphone for the movie in which Radhika Apte will be seen alongside Rajinikanth. Kalaipuli S Thanu is producing the film on V Creations banner.