Superstar Rajinikanth’s latest offering, Kabali has finished its first week run at the box office. The movie is the third biggest disaster in Tollywood this year after Brahmotsavam and Sardaar Gabbar Singh. The movie which had a good first weekend, barely sustained as the working days began.
The Bad talk and reviews engulfed the film and even Rajinikanth’s brand value could not save it. The movie which garnered immense hype before the movie release resulted in huge losses to everyone involved in the trade due to high costs involved. Only the Overseas is a profitable venture. Here is the breakup of Kabali Telugu First Week Collections:
Nizam: 8.65 Crore
Ceeded: 3.3 Crore
Uttarandhra: 2.15 Crore
East: 1.65 Crore
West: 1.3 Crore
Krishna: 1.42 Crore
Guntur: 1.82 Crore
Nellore: 71 Lakhs
AP+Nizam: 21 Crore