Telugu director Sandeep Reddy Vanga, whose debut film Arjun Reddy has made a huge impact at the box office, has gone to Bollywood with the remake of the same movie. And then, ‘Kabir Singh’, the remade film, has huge hurdles that posed a threat to the box office run. Here goes the result, however.
On June 21st, that is last Friday, Kabir Singh has released amidst huge beating from critics, as they termed the movie as a male chauvinistic, misogynistic and abuse-encouraging. Firstly the film got A-rating, so many expected that there will be low footfalls. Then came the normal ticket pricing, which results obviously in low collections. Also, the ongoing world cup cricket league matches posed a big threat. And still, the film released and the rest is history.
So far Kabir Singh has collected 70+ crores (nett from the first weekend) and the film will join 100 crores club very soon. That’s a first of its kind for Shahid Kapoor as a solo hero. If all goes well, the film will easily post a total between 150-200 crores for sure.
Talking about the same, Bollywood is now terming that Sandeep Reddy has broken all the myths that the Hindi industry is fearing. And then, the director doesn’t want to do his next in Hindi but will be directing a Telugu film.