Renowned playback singer Kailash Khar, well-known for pop and rock songs, has crooned for Pawan Kalyan-starrer Gopala Gopala. Kailash has recently recorded for a special song in the film which will see Pawan shaking his legs for it. Kailash shot to fame with his chartbusters Chand Sifarish (Fanaa), Yun Hi Chala Chal (Swadesh), Ya Rabba (Salaam E Ishq) besides several other songs. Kailash also lent his voice for the youth version of Jana Gana Mana (National Anthem).
However, this is not first-time Kailash has crooned for a Telugu film. He sung for various songs like Pandaga la digi vachavu (Mirchi) for which he won Filmfare Award for Best Male Playback Singer. He also lent his voice for films like Arundhati, Parugu, Gaalipatam. Since Kailash sang a song in the original Oh My God and Pawan liked it, the makers have approached him to sing a song in the remake Gopala Gopala as well, shared a source in the know.
“Recently, the song was shot on Pawan Kalyan. Although there were no big dance moves, Pawan just does a jig while most of the song has his expressions,” added the source. While the music composed by Anup Rubens is planning to be unveiled on Dec 28, the movie is slated for Jan 14 release.