According to reports, Kajal Aggarwal is charging a bomb to make her presence for the private inaugurations and shop openings. The Singham star who recently graced a private shop opening at Konaseema of East Godavari district, has apparently charged whopping Rs 25 Lakhs for its owners where she hardly spent half-an-hour.
Meanwhile, Kajal Aggarwal gets Rs 1.25 crore to Rs 1.50 crore per feature film and Samantha is slightly ahead than Kajal and gets pay of Rs 1.50 crore per film. The Magadheera actress who has been missing in action from Telugu films for a while says that she has signed two big-ticket Telugu movies that are in pre-production phase. Besides this, Kajal is busy with her Tamil and Hindi projects. Many say that heroines “side business” is more profitable than their “main business”. To put it fairly, this is also known as cashing in on the fame!