Kajal Agarwal had given her dates to Pawan Kalyan’s Sardar Gabbar Singh four months back and since then she has been waiting for a call from the unit to join the shoot. After several postponements and cancellation of schedules, the actress finally joined the team in Gujarat yesterday. All these months, she was skeptical whether she would be doing the movie or not or some other actress would replace her with constant changes of the movie’s schedules.
One must recall that Kajal Agarwal was the first choice for Gabbar Singh 2, when director Sampath Nandi was to make the movie. When she quoted high price, Anisha Ambrose was taken. Later director Sampath was dropped off, so was Anisha Ambrose and also the film underwent many changes. When director Bobby was taken in and he began the regular shoot in July, Kajal was again approached and she gave her dates from August. Four months later, she has stepped into the sets of the movie and she is feeling happy that the confusion has finally ended.