Kajal Aggarwal who is on down hill is just facing some bad moments in recent times. Earlier her waist was squeezed by an actor at shooting spot. The actor who was in an inebriated condition, pressed her waist curves for real and that created somsensation.Now once again a similar incident has happened in an Airport. The actress who recently had an abroad vacation with her parents returned back to India and joined the shooting of Tamil movie ‘Kavalai Vendam’. She also signed few brands and was acting in those advertisements.
She was shuffling to and fro between the shooting spots and recently at an International Airport, she was spotted in departure with her luggage. She took her coat off and showed her inner beauty with a black top. Fans got excited to see her and they were more excited on seeing her in ‘That way’.
Before she understood the gravity of situation, they mobbed around her. Airport authorities immediately surrounded her and they tried to guide her. But one excited fan grabbed her b***s and Kajal immediately released the ‘F’ word. However the miscreant was unknown and she was sent in another cab.