Stunning the aged-top stars in the Industry, Kajal who turned 28 recently announced her birthday resolution. “During my initial days in the Film Industry, I had done films with newcomers and upcoming heroes. I have consciously decided not to do that any more. I will be doing films only opposite leading heroes, befitting my current status. The heroes I would be paired opposite should not only be top stars but also must be young enough. This will be my first condition,” revealed the beauty.
It’s very clear that Kajal has directed the Tollywood filmmakers to approach her from now if the film’s lead in one among Mahesh Babu, Pawan Kalyan, Jr NTR, Ram Charan, Prabhas and Allu Arjun. All the rising stars and aged stars need not have to waste time for the call sheets of this seductress anymore.
Although most of actresses of her league follow the same rule, none would dare to make it public. In that way, Kajal is brave enough to speak her heart out. Let’s she how well she sticks to her plans!