Reacting on the complaint filed by actor-producer Udayanidhi Stalin that she is not budging to repay the 40 lakhs advance paid, actress Kajal Agarwal has finally responded. She cried innocence and at the same time brought a new ‘clause’ into picture.
Kajal’s manager acted smart saying that they won’t do the repayment of advance thing until Tamil Producers Council have dispatched a notice. That’s a big surprise. And secondly, Kajal felt that her dates got wasted in January as the actress allotted 40 days for ‘Nanbenda’ shoot, for which she was removed 20 days prior to start of shooting and replaced by Nayantara.
Also in her letter to Nadigar Sangam (Tamil actors association), Kajal mentioned that she clearly included a clause saying ‘Advance Once Paid Is Not Refundable’. Is she running jewels store or Iyengar bakery? Meanwhile, producer Uday made it clear that he will settle issue amicably as he got nothing in personal against Kajal. Let us see where the issue is gonna end finally.