It took everybody by surprised, when pretty actress Kajal reportedly gave a nod to work with relatively newcomer Udayanidhi Stalin, after working with big stars like Vijay, Surya, Karthi in Kollywood. But there is a big reason behind it and it gradually unfolds. She has become the highest paid actress in South India. As she surpassed her colleagues -Ileana (1.5 crore for Snehitudhu) and Trisha (1.6 crore for Tamil-Telugu untitled film femal-centirc film)- as she reportedly pocketed Rs. 1.75 crore for her film opposite Tamil actor Udayanidhi Stalin upcoming Tamil film.
If T-town dream merchants, don’t change their mindset, she would do more films in K-town, even though big stars like Pawan Kalyan, Mahesh and Ram Charan are willing to share screen space with her. Are top Telugu producers listening?