Kalyan Krishna Kurasala created a sensation with his debut film Soggade Chinni Nayana and the movie went on to mint over Rs 50 crores in its final run. Impressed with his work, Nag wanted him to direct Naga Chaitanya and it is how Rarandoi Veduka Chuddam happened.
Surprisingly, the director has not signed his third project and he has been out of reach currently. He has not been present in any recent events but a source revealed that he has been finding it tough to find a producer for his next.
The young director faced immense pressure during the release of Rarandoi Veduka Chuddam and there were talks that Nag was not happy with the output of the film after which he had to chop off some episodes and asked Kalyan to shoot few scenes.
There are even talks that Kalyan Krishna will direct Akhil or the sequel of Soggade Chinni Nayana soon but there has been no update from Annapurna Studios. We have to wait and see when will the young director step out with his next film.