Nandamuri Kalyan Ram’s next under the direction of Puri Jagannadh had its First Look Poster a short while ago on the occasion of Kalyan Ram’s Birthday tomorrow. The movie is titled ‘Ism’ (Ism as in Journalism), in which the actor plays a journalist. The first look poster showcases Kalyan Ram in Brand New Look and earned instant impression from all quarters.
The movie shooting is progressing at brisk pace. Miss India 2015 Aditi Arya is playing the female lead in the film and it marks her filmy debut. She already joined the team. The movie is said to be a mass entertainment with a social message. Puri himself penned the story, screenplay and dialogues for the film.
Kalyan Ram himself will be producing the film on his own banner, NTR Arts banner. The actor is reportedly dolling out a whopping 30 Crore for the film, which is the highest budget for any film of him. Nandamuri fans have pinned high hopes on Kalyan Ram’s Ism. This is the first time, Kalyan Ram is working with a star director.