Actor-filmmaker Kamal Haasan will reportedly join hands with his erstwhile assistant Rajesh M Selva, director of his last Tamil outing “Thoongaavanam (Cheekati Rajyam in Telugu)”, for a yet untitled Tamil actioner.
“Kamal will team up with Rajesh for another project later this year. It will be an out-and-out action film that’s most likely going to be shot in Mauritius,” a source close to Haasan told IANS. According to the source, this project was supposed to happen even before “Thoongaavanam”.
“Things didn’t work out back then. Hence, they’re reuniting now to work on it. It’s most likely to go on the floors later this year,” the source added. Kamal, meanwhile, is busy putting together the cast for his next Tamil outing with filmmaker T.K. Rajeev Kumar. In this project, Shruti Haasan will team up with her father for the first time.