Pragya Jaiswal who got a break with Varun Tej’s Kanche, got one more chance in Tollywood. The actress will be playing the main lead in the film while Premam fame Anupama Parameshwaran will be seen as the other heroine.
Now that the female leads are confirmed, the makers will very soon begin the regular shoot. They are planning to shoot the film continuously until it is complete. Plans are on to release the movie in Summer-2016. Yevado Okadu will have Shyam playing the main villain.
Shyam and Raviteja’s combination is a big hit back then in Kick and now this new combination will excite the audience. Devi Sri Prasad will be composing music for Raviteja after several years. Dil Raju will be producing the movie under his Sri Venkateswara Creations banner.