Bollywood’s firebrand Kangana Ranaut can bash the biggies in Bollywood on any topic. She recently posted a tweet congratulating the ‘Jallikattu’ team as it was selected as India’s official entry to the Oscars. She managed to bring in 4 big families of Bollywood and took potshots at them.
She tweeted, “All the scrutiny/bashing Bullydawood gang got is finally yielding some results, Indian films aren’t jus about 4 families, movie mafia gang is hiding in their houses and letting juries do their job and congratulations team #Jallikattu.” She called Bollywood as ‘Bullydawood’ as the big families in the industry bully the insiders.
The jury considered 27 films which include ‘Chappak’, ‘Gulabo Sitabo’, ‘Jallikattu’, ‘Gunjan Saxena’, ‘Shakuntala Devi’ and others. They finally picked ‘Jallikattu’ as the suitable film and the movie’s director Lijo and producer Thomas Panikar were really thrilled to hear this news. ‘Jallikattu’ released in 2019 and received a lot of critical acclaim.