The Kannada film “Hostel Hudugaru Bekagiddare” has undeniably left a profound mark on the Kannada film industry’ captivating audiences with its distinct fusion of dark comedy. The film’s ensemble cast and the innovative directorial approach by debutant Nithin Krishnamurthy have played pivotal roles in propelling the movie to become a sensation within Kannada cinema.
The upcoming dubbed Telugu version’ titled “Boys Hostel'” set to be released on August 26th’ is a result of a collaborative effort between Chai Bisket Films and Annapurna Studios. This strategic partnership suggests that the film is poised to attract a broader audience within the Telugu-speaking community.
The inclusion of cameo appearances by renowned figures like Rishab Shetty’ Pawan Kumar’ Shine Shetty’ and Ramya further heightens the anticipation surrounding the project.
Backed by Rakshit Shetty’s presentation under Paramvah Pictures and enriched with musical compositions by Ajaneesh Loknath’ “Hostel Hudugaru Bekagiddare” is a joint endeavor by Gulmohur Films and Varun Studios.
As the makers gear up to unveil the film in Telugu’ the original Kannada version’ which had been running in theaters until recently’ has been taken down in Hyderabad. This transition to a new linguistic audience promises to extend the film’s influence and success beyond its initial release