While Kapu reservations became a hot topic in AP politics, TDP MP Avanthi Srinivas has moved a Private Member Bill over the Kapu Reservations in the ongoing Monsoon Session of Lok Sabha. While introducing the Private Member Bill, Avanthi Srinivas has explained in the House about the necessity of Kapu Reservations and the necessity to move the Private Member Bill. Avanthi has explained it in Telugu. By moving a Private Member Bill, TDP has moved a step forward.
However, when to take up the the Bill for the discussion and how much time to allot for the discussion on the Bill would be decided only in the meeting of the Business Advisory Committee (BAC) of Lok Sabha – comprising MPs of all parties – that will held in the next week.
Earlier, TDP has passed the Bill of inclusion of Kapus into BCs in AP Assembly and sent it to the Parliament. The State has asked the Centre to include Kapus into BCs without affecting the BC communities. AP state government has asked the Centre to include Kapus under Schedule-9 ala in Tamil Nadu. The Kapu Reservations Bill allows the Kapu community people to have reservations in education and employment (government).