Kareena Kapoor Bollywood Bebo after her marriage with Bollywod star Saif Ali Khan is acting in films and living happily like never before. But media rumors are worrying her personal life says Kareena in her recent press meet of her latest film promotions.
Recently there are rumors that Kareena is pregnant and she is gonna have a baby in few months, As this question is asked her in a press meet she answers them roughly saying “ Why media will always make a mess with our personal life, I am not at pregnant and don’t have any plans to have baby now”.
She also adds “Even Saif is not excited as media, So stop believing all rumors on my pregnancy and if it happens I will inform you that officially.” Kareena is currently busy in her Bollywood films and she is seen in 2 films of B-town and also playing a guest role in Sharukh khan. So this ends all rumors on her pregnancy.