The opening ceremony of the Jio MAMI Mumbai Film Festival 2023 was filled with famous stars. Kareena, who is starring in the movie “The Buckingham Murders,” arrived in a stylish black dress with pink sleeves and heels. Kareena Kapoor Khan wore a black dress by Rajesh Pratap Singh with a low V neckline, a knotted front, a loose fit, hot pink full-length sleeves, an uneven hem, and a defined waist. She added style with high heels, striking earrings, a sleek hairstyle, shiny eyeshadow, mascara, pink lipstick, rosy cheeks, radiant highlighter, and bold eyebrows.
She posed for photos with the movie’s director, Hansal Mehta, and producer, Ektaa Kapoor. Kareena shared some pictures on Instagram, announcing the premiere of “The Buckingham Murders” at the festival.
Saif Ali Khan accompanied his sister Karisma Kapoor on the red carpet. Both were dressed in white traditional attire, with Karisma in a white and black saree and Saif in his usual white kurta-pyjama with a white Nehru jacket. The Jio MAMI Mumbai Film Festival is back with an impressive lineup of over 250 films from around the world, spanning 10 days.
The festival is taking place at the Jio World Centre from October 27 to November 5. It features 40 World Premieres, 45 Asia Premieres, and 70 South Asia Premieres, with a record-breaking 1000 submissions for the South Asia program.