Kareena Kapoor Khan recently stole the spotlight at a grand event hosted by Ralph Lauren at the lavish Rambagh Palace in Jaipur. The gathering was a hub of fashion aficionados and trendsetters, where Kareena showcased her stunning fashion sense in an eye-catching gold outfit from the esteemed American luxury brand. Sharing glimpses of her glamorous look on Instagram, she flaunted candid moments and posed gracefully for photos and videos, alongside her stylist Tanya Ghavri and influencers like Diipa Khosla and Mitali Sagar.
Her dazzling attire, sourced from Ralph Lauren’s Spring 2023 Ready-To-Wear collection, epitomized the brand’s timeless allure. The strapless tissue silk gown featured a neckline that accentuated her figure, a fitted bodice with a broad gold belt cinching the waist, and an A-line skirt with intricate details like patch pockets and vertical stitching, flowing elegantly to the floor.
Kareena chose a minimalistic approach to accessories, allowing the gown to stand out. Complementing the ensemble were high heels, statement rings, and dangling earrings, providing the perfect final touches. Her makeup was nothing short of artistry, with winged eyeliner, captivating kohl-lined eyes, rosy cheeks, luminous highlighter, shimmering gold eyeshadow, lush lashes, impeccably groomed brows, and a glossy pink lip shade. Her sleek high ponytail added an extra touch of elegance to her overall appearance.